Best in class cross docking services in Reno, Nevada
Excellent service for clients is our top priority
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Available cross docking services

Weight adjustment

Adjust cargo weight inside the trailer for optimal weight distribution.

Fix shifted loads

Fix and fixate shifted loads and prevent damage to other accompanying cargo.


Store your cargo in our warehouse and rest assured that is it safe and secure.

Load consolidation

Increase profitability per truck by keeping them as loaded as possible on the road.

Available 24/7

Open 8am to 5pm and by appointment outside the normal business hours.

Save time & money

Fast service. Experienced personnel. Quality work. Reasonable prices.
You deserve the best in the business
Expert cross docking services

Supply chain operations is crucial for businesses and cross docking plays a pivotal role in minimizing handling and delivery time and maximizing efficiency. Full understanding of trucking business and cross docking logistics allows us to provide a well organized and streamlined service to all our customers. We understand the significance of this process, and that is why we strive to provide the best cross docking services in Reno, Nevada.

Highly experienced personnel

Reno Cross Dock is very serious about hiring only experienced individuals that are responsible and professional in the work they do. All our employees have many years of relevant experience and we always try to improve the working conditions for all warehouse employees and back office staff. It is our strong belief that a happy employee will do a quality job that will translate into great service that our customers want and deserve.

Fast and quality service

Each day we make customer service our top priority. We want to make your experience with Reno Cross Dock as smooth as possible throughout the whole process, from order acceptance to cargo unloading. Our customer service representatives and logistical staff are standing ready to work with you to get the job done quickly and efficiently. We are open to and encourage communication, so you can always reach out to us with any questions you might have using the phone (866-810-9515), email (, or the "Contact Us" form on this site.

About Us

Founded in 2004, OREST Express and Reno Cross Dock is a family owned and operated provider of transportation services and logistical solutions providing LTL, full truckload, warehousing and 3PL brokerage services.

The company started with one truck and a lot of determination to succeed. That determination is still there all these years later in the way we do business.

We specialize in moving freight between Midwest and West Coast areas and are trusted by our customers to get their freight from point A to point B in a timely and professional manner.

As we continue to grow our company and expand our area of service we remain dedicated to providing quality customer service.

21+ years
of serving
50+ trucks
for transportation
30M+ miles
With you all across US

We provide warehouse services in Reno, Nevada, Salt Lake City, Utah, Chicago, Illinois.

Thanks to our network of warehouses, we can offer a wide range of services for storage and delivery of goods to the door.

Warehouse space in Reno NV, Salt Lake City UT, Chicago IL.
More then 50,000 square feet of warehouse space.
Above and beyond with service and expertise.
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